International Catalan Institute for Peace ICIP

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New collections of books on peace, conflict and non-violence

New collections of books on peace, conflict and non-violence

In order to disseminate the culture of peace and foster public awareness and education, the ICIP has to publish two new collections of monographic books in collaboration with Catalan publishers. This initiative aims to stimulate research, dissemination and action in the areas of peace and security, as part of the ICIP's commitment to training and dissemination.

Each collection is based on a different subject:

Peace and Non-violence Classics (with the publisher Ángulo): the objective is to raise awareness of individuals and endeavours that have been benchmarks in terms of their historic inspiration and impact, because they pointed the way in their time and remain valid today. This collection also involves the creation of a library of classics in Catalan, which includes authors who are often being translated into the language for the first time. The first two titles in the collection are:

- “Mahatma Gandhi”, by Romain Rolland

- “Pau Casals. Writings and speeches: peace, peace and always peace!” Ed. Joseph Figueres.

Tools for Peace, Security and Justice (with Editorial Icària) provides tools for reflection and practical work for people committed to the construction of peace and justice. This collection begins with two titles:

- “Peaceful conflict transformation. A small user's manual”, by John Paul Lederach

- “Rethinking in female. A manual for a sustainable peace”, by Agneta Söderberg Jacobson

Two more collections will soon be published: Peace and Security, for academic readers and those specialising in contemporary topics based on the commitment to research for peace; and Non-violence and the struggle for peace, which will attempt to disseminate non-violence as a philosophy and an essential strategy for moving towards achieving peace in the twenty-first century.

Titles: pdf