International Catalan Institute for Peace ICIP

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Functions and Objectives

The International Catalan Institute for Peace has the following functions:

  1. To promote empirical, theoretical and applied peace research, either through its own initiative or through supporting existing research.
  2. Ensuring the technical training of specialists for active intervention in peace processes.
  3. To promote and spread education and public awareness regarding peace culture, with the special collaboration of certain corresponding departments of the Catalan Government, schools, universities and NGOs.
  4. Explore and share historical memory, as well as thought and action in Catalan pacifism.
  5. To act as an observatory regarding the status of peace and armed conflicts around the globe, together with the Consell Català del Foment de la Pau.
  6. To monitor, facilitate, and mediate international and internationalized violent conflicts and to help with the peace building process.
  7. To provide support and advice to organizations, initiatives and campaigns related to peace and to promote activities that civil society, peace movements, governments, international organizations, universities and peace research centers conduct with regards to training, research and action in the construction and maintenance of peace.
  8. To advise Parliament, the Catalan Government and other public administrations in their policies and actions for peace.
  9. To establish relations with similar international institutions and networks.