International Catalan Institute for Peace ICIP

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21 September: The International Day of Peace

Exposition "Barefoot Words. Women Making Peace"
21 September

Paraules Descalces. Dones Fent Pau

To commemorate the International Day of Peace, the ICIP is organising a public event on 21 September in the ICIP headquarters at Gran Vía, 658, in Barcelona. The President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Ernest Benach, and the Minister of the Interior and Institutional Relations of the Government of Catalonia, Joan Saura, will be among those taking part. The President of the ICIP, Rafael Grasa, will review the international situation and provide a summary of the institute's activities and outlook for the future.

The event also sees the inauguration of the exhibition "Barefoot Words. Women Making Peace", by the photographer Dani Lagartofernandez. The display looks at thirteen women working actively for peace and human rights in Israel and Palestine

At the same time, the exhibition aims to echo Resolution 1325, approved by the UN Security Council in 2000, which acknowledges the impact of armed conflicts on women and girls and highlights their role in the resolution of conflicts and the construction of peace. In fact, the exhibition is part of the photographer's series "[13]25. In the beginning was the word"

The International Day of Peace was established by the UN General Assembly in 1981 for "commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples". Twenty years later, the Assembly asked the international community for 21 September to be a one-day cease-fire and day of nonviolence throughout the entire world, and called on all its member states and organisations to commemorate the day through education and awareness-raising.

This year, the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, is calling on young people to join the cause of peace.

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Programme: pdf