International Catalan Institute for Peace ICIP

Inici > Pressroom > The ICIP library, specialising in the areas of peace, security and conflicts, is getting ready to open its doors.

The ICIP library, specialising in the areas of peace, security and conflicts, is getting ready to open its doors.

The ICIP library

The ICIP library, specialising in the areas of peace, security and conflicts, is getting ready to open its doors.

The new ICIP library, specialising in the areas of peace, security and conflicts, will open its doors in late December. Many of the works available at the ICIP can be consulted in the Catalogue of the Specialised Libraries Network of the Government of Catalonia (XBEG), of which it is a member. It currently contains almost 2,000 works.

The library is for use by the general public and has a consultation room. There will also be a loan service for accredited researchers linked to universities and research centres.

The archive is constantly increasing and a considerable increase in the number of volumes is anticipated in the coming year. Among the material acquired are audiovisual materials which in the near future will be sued to establish a media library, which will be one of the branches of the library.

Apart from the monographs and books section, the library has created new services for its users:
· Access to the "Political Science Complete" and "International Security & Counter-Terrorism Reference Center" databases containing hundreds of specialised publications in the field.
· Consultation service for issues of the current year and back issues of 155 electronic journals specialising in peace and conflicts.
· Regular publications

The library is one of the ICIP's initiatives and aims to foster the transfer of knowledge on the subjects that the institution is researching.

You can visit it and take advantage of its services at Gran Vía de Les Corts Catalanes 658, bajos. Opening hours are from 9 am to 6.30 pm on Mondays to Thursdays, and 9 am to 2 pm on Fridays.