International Catalan Institute for Peace ICIP

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Barcelona Declaration on the Human Right to Peace

Parliament of Catalonia
3 de Juny de 2010

Barcelona Declaration on the Human Right to Peace

The approval process of the Barcelona Declaration on the Human Right to Peace ended yesterday in the Parliament of Catalonia. This event took place thanks to the support of the International Catalan Institute for Peace and the AEDIDH, with the support of the Parliament of Catalonia. Ten international experts, who had met for three days, undertook intense debates until the final approval on Wednesday morning.

From this point on, the situation of the text is more uncertain, but is at the same time more exciting. The aim is for the declaration to be legally recognised by the United Nations General Assembly.

As ICIP President Rafael Grasa explained at the presentation, it is a declaration which contains specific rights on the ideal right to peace, and also confers obligations on institutions. It is also important in that it links peace, development and human rights, a formula in which all the ingredients are essential, but which have rarely been included together in any other international legal document.

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