International Catalan Institute for Peace ICIP

Inici > Pressroom > List of resources for consultation and documentation about the political crisis in Cote d'Ivoire

List of resources for consultation and documentation about the political crisis in Cote d'Ivoire

The post-election scenario

List of resources for consultation and documentation about the political crisis in Cote d'Ivoire

In the situation in Cote d'Ivoire, with the open conflict between supporters of the two candidates in the presidential elections of 28 November - Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara - the ICIP will be providing a list of resources for consultation, and documents and links of interest in this section, for all those wishing to monitor the issue subject. In 2009, the ICIP undertook a mission to observe the elections in Cote d'Ivoire and in late September 2010, it organised the seminar "Condiciones pour la consolidation de la paix en Côte d'Ivoire," in co-operation with the CERAP and the Université de Bouaké. This seminar, which was held in Abidjan, the country's economic capital, brought together academics, politicians, representatives of civil society and international organisations. Since then, the ICIP has been monitoring the developments in the country's politics on a daily basis.

The list is not an exhaustive one, but does provide some key resources that contribute to improving and expanding the available sources of information about Cote d'Ivoire:

List of internal resources: includes all the publications and articles produced by the ICIP related to Cote d'Ivoire: html

List of external resources: includes links to timelines, press releases, communiqués, original documents, articles and dossiers on Cote d'Ivoire:

Bilbiography: this document lists the books and publications on Cote d'Ivoire available at the new ICIP library: