International Catalan Institute for Peace ICIP

Inici > Pressroom > ESCOLTA public art project

ESCOLTA public art project

ESCOLTA project

ESCOLTA is a public art project will be carried out throughout 2011 and will be on display in the exhibition area of the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP).

In this project, Asunción+Guasch work with a team of art professionals and students on a series of performances that creates a reflection and an experience on listening as a condition for peace.

Listening is opening the void, and generating spaces where receptiveness is possible. The artistic action that structures the entire project consists of experiencing a level sensory interpersonal communication, listening to others' hearts with the help of a stethoscope. Eliminating all discourse and encouraging a meeting of the pure sonority of hearts is both a step towards empathy and at the same time a new iconic approach.

In order to take an active part, come to the performances or arrange a visit.

The first performance of the Escolta project will take place at 7 pm on 23 February at the ICIP headquarters.

Schedule of performances:
Wednesday 23 February, 6 April, 4 May and 15 June, at 7 pm.

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 658, baixos.
08010 Barcelona - Tel. 93 554 42 70

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