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Sociolingüística catalana

The Studies of the Directorate General for Language Policy of the Generalitat of Catalonia (1994-2002), by Joan M. Romaní


4. Methodology

Given that, due to the large number of studies listed, it is quite difficult to sum up the objectives, methodology and main results of all these studies, I will only review the most relevant aspects. In all surveys and studies, the first draft of questionnaires and protocols used for data gathering was designed by experts from the ISC taking into account the results of previous studies and their adequation to the new objectives. The different companies that carried out the fieldwork made amendments and suggestions in order to make use of the questionnaires easier. Once the definitive version was approved, several briefings were organized to ensure that the interviewers understood clearly the objectives, the goals and the protocol to be used.

For the large studies involving the whole population the methodology used has been the telephone interview with a random sample taking into account the structure of the population and its distribution over the territory, stratified by age and gender. For the studies done in the socio-economic sector, personal interviews were carried out with senior management of the companies. Direct observation was necessary, for example in the case of the studies of labelling, advertisements, petrol stations or supermarkets and shopping, and the methodology has been discussed in papers submitted to congresses and expert seminars.(3) Figure 3 states the proportions of the different studies according to the methodology used for data gathering.

Figure 3. Methodology used for data gathering


Figure 3. Methodology used for data gathering

In the first place, notice the emphasis given to observation methodology and the fact that one-third of the studies were carried out by means of surveys. The category "surveys of limited populations" refers to work done through personal interviews with senior management of companies or groups of students.

5. Applicability of research in language policy

The diversity of the studies we have been reviewing in this paper implies different levels of applicability. They all share a common feature, that is, they are valuable instruments with which to evaluate general or particular aspects of the process of language policy in order to assess the results of the work that has been done, the evolution of the use of a language in general or in a particular domain (companies, advertisements in newspapers, supermarkets and shopping malls, etc.), and also to change the specific language policy actions where necessary. For example, thanks to the survey on the use of Catalan in films, we were able to establish that there is a demand for more films in Catalan that is not satisfied by the supply.

The studies about labelling and shops signs in six cities give us information on the level of compliance with the Language Policy Act, as did the studies on supermarkets, shopping malls, and petrol stations. For further details see Informe de política lingüística 2000 i 2001.

The sectorial studies are useful in providing deeper and more detailed knowledge about the linguistic functioning of particular sectors where the DGLP or the Consorci per a la Normalització have subsequently been able to design and to implement much more effective plans of action, thanks to the wealth of information obtained on how to increase the use of Catalan and about which aspects could provoke more rejection in the group targeted by the planned actions.

In the studies focusing on particular groups such as, among others, insurance companies (UCEAC) or employers’ associations (CECOT), the methodology made it possible to know which companies were interested in having at their disposal more information about the linguistic services provided by the Catalan government or by the Consorci per a la Normalització Linguistica, as well as in signing new agreements.

As for general approaches, the studies of language use among the population (for example DYM 1997 and GABISE 1999) provide useful assessments of the level of vitality and the presence of the language and supply information enabling us to evaluate the level of transmission of Catalan internationally.

6. Conclusions

- During the period in question, a number of descriptive studies relating to the Catalan sociolinguistic situation were carried out. Analysis of consecutive language censuses provide a description of the way competence in Catalan is evolving, as claimed by the interviewees and the variation this is subject to according to the usual variables: age, gender, place of birth, place of residence, level of education and profession. They are a direct indicator of the evolution of knowledge of the language among the population and an indirect indicator of the process of dissemination of this knowledge by means of adult courses and of the functioning of the schooling system.

- The observational research on sectors (such as those relating to labelling and advertisement) provide detailed knowledge about situations that are very difficult to obtain by other means.

- Several studies have been carried out on interpersonal use that, along with the sector-specific studies, can be useful to carry out second level research on the trends of language use in Catalonia. Contrary to a very widespread impression, we can assert that the use of Catalan is extending among those who do not have Catalan as family language and is being maintained among those who have it as their first language.

- The studies done in cooperation with other European research centres permit us to establish fruitful networks of contacts with experts in other sociolinguistic situations in order to broaden our perspectives.

- Lastlyy, the surveys relating to businesses, companies or professionals (wine producers, family-owned companies, small and medium-sized companies, insurance companies, etc.) enable agreements on cooperation regarding language policy actions to be drawn up, and more precise monitoring to be carried out on language use, attitudes and linguistic services required by these groups.

7. Bibliography

This bibliography does not include the catalogue files of every study: it contains what has been published refering to them. For further details, click here (PDF 22 k).

7.1 Printed bibliography

"Researches sociolingüístiques promogudes per la Secretaria de Política Lingüística de la Generalitat de Catalunya", in Treballs de Sociolinguistica Catalana, 12, p. 131-138. Valencia: Ed. Tres i Quatre, 1994.

BASTARDES, Bibiana and RENAU, Enric (ed.). Usos i actituds lingüístiques en les empreses associades a l’Institut de l’Empresa Familiar. Barcelone, Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Culture, Publictions of the Institute of Catalan Sociolinguistics, 2002. (Documents de Treball / Working Papers, 12).

BASTARDES, B.; RENAU, E. RIUDOR, X. and SOLÉ i CAMARDONS, J. "Els usos lingüístics a les indústries elaboradores de vi i cava". Llengua i Ús, 15. Barcelone, Departament of the Culture, DGPL, 1999, p. 50-55.

ESCOLA, Assumpta; et al. "Indexplà: programa de seguiment i avaluació de plans i acords de gestió lingüística per a les organitzacions" Llengua i Ús, 5. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1996, p. 19-24

FABÀ, A.; LÓPEZ, P.; SOLÉ i CAMARDONS, J. and UBACH, N. "OFERCAT: Indicadors sobre l’oferta de català a Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Llengua i Ús, 18. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 2000, p. 53-58

FARRÀS, J. and BOSCH, J. L. C. "La llengua a les benzineres de Catalunya. Una aportació sociolinguistica". Llengua i Ús, 20. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 2001, p. 60-65.

FARRÀS, J; TORRES, J. and VILA, F. Xavier. El coneixement del català. 1996. Mapa sociolingüístic de Catalunya. Anàlisi sociolingüística de l’enquesta oficial de població de 1996. Barcelone, Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Culture, Publications of the Institute of Catalan Sociolinguistics, 2000 (Estudis, 7).

HEVIA, A. and SOLÉ i CAMARDONS, J. "La llengua als supermercats i hipermercats de Catalunya l’any 2000". Llengua i Ús, 19. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 2000, p. 66-71.

INSTITUT DEP (ed.). Usos, actituds i serveis lingüístics a les empreses d’assegurances. Barcelone, Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Culture, Publications of the Institute of Catalan Sociolinguistics, 2002. (Documents de Treball / Working Papers, 14).

LEPRÊTRE, M. "Avenç provisional de les dades lingüístiques més significatives del cens de 1991". Llengua i Ús, 2. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1995, p. 58-63.

LEPRÊTRE, M. "L’Alguer. La situació sociolingüística als territoris de llengua catalana (I)". Llengua i Ús, 4. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1995, p. 60-64.

LEPRÊTRE, M. "La Franja d’Aragó. La situació sociolingüística als territoris de llengua catalana (II)". Llengua i Ús, 4. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1996, p. 55-59.

LEPRÊTRE, M. "La Catalunya Nord. La situació sociolingüística als territoris de llengua catalana (III)". Llengua i Ús, 6. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1996, p. 48-56.

LEPRÊTRE, M. "El País Valencià. La situació sociolingüística als territoris de llengua catalana (IV)". Llengua i Ús, 6. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1996, p. 62-67.

LEPRÊTRE, M. "Catalunya. La situació sociolingüística als territoris de llengua catalana (and V)". Llengua i Ús, 8. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1997, p. 5-67.

LEPRÊTRE, M. and ROMANÍ, J. M. "L’ús de les llengües a la publicitat exterior a Barcelona i a sis altres ciutats l’any 1999". Llengua i Ús, 17. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 2000, p. 55-59.

MUR, R. "Indicadors d’ús del català a la documentació local". Llengua i Ús, 16. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1999, p. 37-45.

NAVARRO, G. "El català a l’Alguer i la legislació sarda i italiana". Llengua i Ús, 14. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1999, p. 61-64.

MORATÓ, C; AREGALL, S. and MONREAL, G. (CNL Horta-Guinardó). "Les AMPA: Una via de dinamització lingüística". Llengua i Ús, 21. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 2001, p. 66-69.

Perspectives de la llengua catalana a l’àrea barcelonina. Barcelone: Department of Culture, Publications of the ISC of the DGLP, 1986 (Monografies, 1).

REIXACH, Modest (ed.). El coneixement del català. Anàlisi de les dades del cens lingüístic de 1991 de Catalunya, les Illes Balears i el País Valencià. Barcelone, Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Culture, Publications of the Institute of Catalan Sociolinguistics, 1997. (Estudis, 6).

PLANES, J. "La llengua catalana en la publicitat a domicili". Llengua i Ús, 15. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1999, p. 46-49.

PUIGDOMÈNECH, L.; SOLÉ i CAMARDONS, J. "El perfil sociolingüístic dels alumnes extracomunitaris dels cursos de català per a adults", Llengua i Ús, 24, Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 2000, p. 87-91.

ROMANÍ, J. M. "Desenvolupament de polítiques que aconsegueixin convertir la competència lingüística en ús actiu entre grups d’adults joves: projecte Pentecosta". Llengua i Ús, 17. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 2000, p. 60-63.

ROMANÍ, J. M. "L’INUSCAT, un indicador sobre l’ús de la llengua". Llengua i Ús, 5. Barcelone, Department of Culture, DGPL, 1996, p. 60-63.

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