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Sociolingüística internacional

Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria. The Bai Euskarari Certificate, by Roberto Gutiérrez


5. Computer programs

PARAMETER Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service in Euskera"
Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service and operation in Euskera"
* The organization's computer programs: programs and standard operating systems in Euskera that are on the market; texts that are used in these programs: accounting messages, names of files and directories...; programs that enable you to switch from one language to another: invoicing...   * The programs must be in Euskera. If the Euskera version of the program is outdated, it will be considered as an exception.

* Texts should be written in Euskera even though the programs are in another language.

* Computer programs outside the organization   * All programs that are outside the organization (for example, Telebanca) should be in Euskera or in both languages. If they are not, versions in Euskera will be requested.

2.4 Following up and evaluating the commitments

Kontseilua will follow up and evaluate the degree of fulfilment of the agreements. Revising and improving the organization’s annual plan makes it possible to make decisions concerning redirecting actions toward the established objectives. This is where the Deming Circle, otherwise known as the PDCA Cycle (Plan – Do – Check – Act), comes in. Organizations must plan the handling of the commitments they assume by laying out the actions, people in charge, deadlines, and resources available before carrying them out and before putting into practice that which they desire to do. It would be a good idea to record and document all of the actions taken because when the evaluation of the agreements is done; documental proof will be requested from each organization. The third milestone of this process consists of revising and checking to see if the results are in line up with what was planned. It is at that moment, after approximately six months, that follow-up is done by Kontseilua.

This factor will not keep the organization from doing its own internal audits. If it is verified that all that was planned has been fulfilled, then the organization will move on to the next phase. If it is determined that what has been planned is not being carried out, the reasons will be studied and actions will be taken in order to introduce a series of corrective measures in the plan to be immediately applied thereafter. The purpose of this is to set up a system that enables us to assure all that has been done by the organization, similar to a quality assurance system.

After one year, Kontseilua will evaluate the degree to which the agreements have been fulfilled and, in the event that they have been satisfactorily fulfilled, the certificate will be renewed for another year. Due to exceptional circumstances, the first evaluation was recently done on 203 organizations a year and a half after the certificate was awarded. From May on, 78 other organizations that were awarded the certificate in June of 2001 will be evaluated. After the first evaluation period, 81 % of the organizations renewed the certificate which was greater than our projections (75 %).

There are many possibilities when it comes to doing the evaluation. We always try to give each organization the lowest possible workload. The possibilities are as follows:

  1. Option one is to use qualitative and quantitative indicators that are defined by Kontseilua, Elhuyar, and Emun, businesses that are specialized in linguistic revitalization plans and members of Kontseilua.

  2. Option two is to document the balance of the Euskera standardization plan (drawn up by the organization or with the help of an external consultant), signed and sealed by the organization’s highest ranking officer.

  3. Any other type of documentation that demonstrates the level of fulfilment of the agreements shall need prior approval of Kontseilua.

All material will be examined by Kontseilua’s experts in order to subsequently determine if the organization is deserving of the Bai Euskarari Certificate. No organization is forced to fulfil the agreements 100 % since they are allowed a certain amount of leeway that is laid out in the internal procedures of Kontseilua of which they are not notified.

2.5 Cost, use, and promotion of the image of the Certificate

The cost of obtaining the certificate varies depending on the size of the organization. The annual cost is 64.51 euros plus 6.45 euros per employee.

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