Logotip de la revista Noves SL





Sociolingüística internacional

Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria. The Bai Euskarari Certificate, by Roberto Gutiérrez


Organizations can use the certificate’s logo on all advertising mediums and receive a follow up and evaluation service taken care of by Kontseilua’s planning team. Throughout the year, they receive information and instructions on the techniques without it being a technical consulting service which is up to companies that are dedicated to the design and implementation of linguistic standardization plans. Our web page informs provides information on the grants offered by public institutions and which services are available in Euskera.

Kontseilua promotes the certificate to public institutions, private companies, and the general population in such a way that society as a whole values the effort that each of the organizations that obtain the certificate makes for the revitalization of the language.

At the end of March, 225 organizations, including Tau Baskonia, Athletic of Bilbao, Real Sociedad, Vital Kutxa, BBK and Kutxa (Araba, Bizkaia, and Gipuzkoa savings banks respectively), Eroski, the Basque Energy Organization, the Basque Foundation for Hobetuz Training, Mondragón Unibertsitatea, the Label-Kalitatea Foundation and the Basque Country Confederation of Cooperatives have received and publicly use the "bidean" Bai Euskarari Certificate. Forty-two other organizations, being mostly branches of the aforementioned savings banks, have received and publicly use the "Guk Zerbitzua Euskaraz" Bai Euskarari Certificate. Shortly, we will make it possible for different organizations to obtain the third level of the certificate, the "Guk zerbitzua eta lana euskaraz" Bai Euskarari Certificate.

2.6 The Bai Euskarari Certificate in the future

Ten pilot schemes of the Bai Euskarari Agreement have been performed in 72 cities (some on a countywide scale) in a way similar to what has been described herein and with the participation of 1,169 local and county businesses. Within the next few months, these schemes will be finished and we will consider extending them to more cities after examining the conclusions that are drawn from the results. It is important to note the potential that this plan has in those areas where the institutional effort in favour of linguistic revitalization is less and where the social commitment can be improved. It is also important to note the importance it has in developing and strengthening the Bai Euskarari Certificate since once the organizations in these cities accept the agreements by means of a strategic plan, they will be able to obtain the certificate.

On the other hand, we have begun to work again with the organizations that participated in the Bai Euskarari process and that, for one reason or another (economic reasons, internal problems, changes in the board of directors, etc.), did not obtain the certificate. We aspire to continue encouraging them to take the necessary steps to revitalize our language. In addition, we will continue working with the organizations that have the certificate and promoting its contents along with the philosophy of the Bai Euskarari process, a process that has been an inspiration in places like Brittany, where the Office of the Breton Language is promoting the "Yes to Breton" process (Ya d’ar Brezhoneg).

We should not scorn the involvement of this type of processes in political agents. As different sectors of the society that are constantly growing commit to adopting specific measures, it becomes much more difficult for the political class not to take action as a result. Over the next few years, we hope to have a greater impact on the parties and institutions in such a way that, in the face of pressure by important social sectors and even that of each party, a change in attitude and greater levels of involvement are considered.

Roberto Gutiérrez
Director of the Bai Euskarari Certificate

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