Logotip de la revista Noves SL





Sociolingüística internacional

Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria. The Bai Euskarari Certificate, by Roberto Gutiérrez


3. The organization's external relations


Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service in Euskera"

Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service and operation in Euskera"

* Elements most often used in client relations: catalogues, guides, invoices, receipts, delivery notes, labels, business cards, bags and/or wrapping paper, answering machines...

* Mediums used for advertising and sales promotions: web pages, vehicular signing, mail advertisements, and mediums prepared for sales promotions (mailing flyers, brochures...), advertising in newspapers, on the radio, and on television, other advertising mediums (calendars, cigarette lighters, t-shirts...).

* All elements must be in Euskera or both languages except when it is a proper name or trademark.

* Regarding different elements, some can be exclusively in Euskera and others in both languages, or the same element may even be prepared in two different linguistic models, having a sample in Euskera and another in both languages.

* In any case, the use of Euskera and formal treatment of it (letter size, thickness, location...) should be equal to that of any other language in each of the elements that are used in customer relations.

* Relations with public institutions in the Autonomous Basque Community and Navarra.  

* Relations with the public institutions in the Autonomous Basque Community shall be exclusively in Euskera.

4. The organization's internal relations


Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service in Euskera"

Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service and operation in Euskera"

* Elements used in internal relations:
- Procedures
- Reports
- Payroll
- Management plans
- Work reports
- Balances
- Audits

* All elements must be in Euskera or both languages.

* Formal treatment of Euskera (letter size, thickness, location...) should be the same as the other languages.



* Any suppliers or subcontracted services that influence in the organization's operation (consulting, management offices, lawyers, cleaners, transportation...) should be able to work in Euskera or both languages.

* Elements used in relations with public institutions in the Autonomous Basque Community and Navarra

- Labor agreements

- Requests for subsidies

- Permits, licenses

- Constitutional Courts


* The text that appears in all elements should be in Euskera or in both languages. In the event that the institution provides forms in Spanish only (INEM, Social Security...) but models exist in Euskera (Dotie, consulting agencies that translate...), the latter models should be used.

* Certain forms might have Euskera on one side and Spanish on the other. In any case, the use of Euskera and formal treatment of it (letter size, thickness, location...) should be equal to that of any other language.


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