Logotip de la revista Noves SL





Sociolingüística internacional

Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria. The Bai Euskarari Certificate, by Roberto Gutiérrez


1. Linguistic ability of the organization's workers

PARAMETER Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service in Euskera"
Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service and operation in Euskera"
Oral and written linguistic training for the workers. All workers that communicate orally or by written form with clients must have the proper linguistic ability for their job:

a) 80 % of the employees of organizations with 1-10 employees must have the proper abilities.

b) 75 % of employees of organizations with 11-50 employees must have the proper abilities.

c) 66 % of employees of organizations with 50 employees or more must have the proper abilities.

The percentages of b) and c) are applied to all of the organization's departments.

All employees of the organization must have the proper linguistic abilities for their job, being able to express themselves in Euskera orally and in written form.
* All communication must begin in Euskera.
* In certain cases the help of an external service will be accepted.  

2. The organization's corporate image and language use


Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service in Euskera"

Bai Euskarari Certificate
"Service and operation in Euskera"

Corporate image and main sign

* The corporate image and main sign of the organization must be in Euskera or both languages.

* The only exceptions that will be accepted are proper names and trademarks.

Language Use:
- signs
- schedules
- plaques
- notes
- memos
-service and/or product catalogues
- prices
- written texts that talk about the characteristics of products and/or services

* Everything must be in Euskera or in both languages.

* It will be accepted to have some elements only in Euskera and some others only in Spanish. Those that are in Euskera and/or both languages must appear as much or more than those in only one language.


* When two or more languages are used, Euskera will have formal priority over the others (location, letter size, thickness).

* When an organization uses signs, printed sheets, or elements that its supplier has provided that are not in Euskera or both languages, it will have to follow the steps below:

1. The organization must provide the means to substitute or put the element in Euskera or both languages. If this entails an added cost, said element will be exempt.

2. In situations where there is equality, the organization will give priority to the element that is in Euskera or both languages.

3. The organization will inform its suppliers in writing that, from that point forward, only elements in Euskera or both languages will be used.

3. The organization shall write its suppliers asking for them to send all elements in Euskera. It will also inform them that they will only use elements that are in Euskera or both languages.


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