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Sociolingüística internacional

Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria. The Bai Euskarari Certificate, by Roberto Gutiérrez


2.2 Levels of Certification

Until December 31, 2001 the Certificate consisted of two levels which were:

  1. The "bidean" Bai Euskarari Certificate (in the process), awarded to organizations that are in the process of linguistic revitalization.

  2. The Bai Euskarari Certificate, awarded to organizations that have finished the revitalization process.

Since the beginning of 2002 and after a time of reflection and contrast motivated by the demand of the social agents, the Bai Euskarari Certificate now has three levels:

1. The "bidean" Bai Euskarari Certificate (in the process), awarded to organizations that have adopted and are carrying out measures to revitalize Euskera.

2. The Bai Euskarari Certificate "Guk Zerbitzua Euskaraz" (Service in Euskera), awarded to organizations that not only adopt and carry out measures for revitalizing Euskera but are able to provide services in Euskera in accordance with the following criteria: 1) the ability of the organization’s workers to express themselves in Euskera verbally and in written form, 2) the organization’s corporate image and language use, and 3) external relations of the organization.

3. The Bai Euskarari Certificate "Guk Zerbitzua eta lana Euskaraz" (Service and operation in Euskera), awarded to organizations that not only fulfil the requirements mentioned in the previous section, but provide services in Euskera and use it as the working language. Therefore, in addition to the three previously mentioned conditions, all internal relations, computer programs, and everything involved in operating the organization must be in Euskera.

2.3 Conditions for Obtaining the Certificate

As previously explained, once each organization analyzes their linguistic situation, they must accept a certain set of commitments aimed to attain revitalization of Euskera in the heart of each organization, and thus, in the sector and the rest of the sectors of society. The purpose is to apply the contents of the Strategic Plan of the Bai Euskarari Agreement and to unfold and carry out the objectives that are drawn out in it. By going into detail about how to put the defined strategies and objectives into practice and by spreading them to the social agents involved, the foundations are laid and means are assured to guarantee its implementation. During the unfolding process of the plan the necessary actions are specified and carried out in order to reach the objectives that were laid out. The necessary resources from each organization that are needed to promote the project are also evaluated.

With this objective in mind, Kontseilua asks that each organization draws up its own annual plan since it is the way to assure that, year after year, and day after day, we continue to make strides toward the revitalization of Euskera. Depending on the character and size of each organization, this could be designed and implemented by an external consulting firm or one of the organization’s services or departments just as long as it works in conjunction with Kontseilua’s help. The following aspects should be considered in the aforementioned plan for each organization:

  • Proposed actions to carry out each of the commitments that are voluntarily accepted.

  • A person responsible for the application of each commitment.

  • Deadlines for each action in order to properly carry out each commitment.

  • The resources needed in order to carry out the commitments.

In order to be awarded the Certificate, on any of the three levels, the plan must be approved by the organization’s management and Kontseilua’s planning team.

In addition, any organization that desires to obtain the second or third level Certificate, showing either that they can provide services in Euskera or that their services and internal operations are in Euskera, must fulfil the requirements that are laid out in the following criteria.

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