Logotip de la revista Noves SL





Sociolingüística catalana

Catalan language organizations. Observations on the language organizations archive and database,
by Efrem Sebastià i Ortigosa


Relations between organizations. Another aspect of the database is the relationship that each organization has with its social, cultural and politic environment and the world of associations that surrounds it. Diagram of relations between organizations is an attempt to synthesise the relations existing between language associations. It indicates the region to which each organization belongs and establishes a difference between belonging to another organization, promoting the creation of another organization or collaborations between organizations.

We can see from this diagram that some organizations have a central position in their respective regions. We can deduce the following have a central role from the number of lines connecting them to other organizations: Centre de la Cultura Catalana (CCC) in Andorra; Coordinadora d'Associacions per la Llengua (CAL), Plataforma per la Llengua (PL) and Òmnium Cultural in Catalonia; Federació d'Entitats per la Defensa de la Llengua i la Cultura Catalanes in French Roussillon; Institut d'Estudis del Baix Cinca (IEBC) in the Franja; Obra Cultural Balear (OCB) in the Balearics, and Acció Cultural del País Valencià (ACPV) and Escola Valenciana (EV) in the Community of Valencia.

We can also draw conclusions from the relations between organizations from different regions. We can see that a large number of associations relate mainly with organizations in their own region. However, we can also see that organizations from different administrative regions collaborate with each other. These include: CCC, ACPV, CAL, PL, Federació de Catalunya Nord, la Bressola, IEBC, Òmnium, OCB, Associació per la Llengua (ALC sXXI), Casals Jaume I and Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua. Another factor favouring inter-regional relations is the Federació d'Associacions Culturals Ramon Llull, which unites organizations from the different Catalan-speaking territories.

The above diagram also shows the organizations that are pushing forth a new Federació d'Organitzacions per la Llengua (Federation of Language Organizations). Associació per la Llengua, Col·lectiu l'Esbarzer, Coordinadora per la Llengua de la Universitat d'Alacant (CLU Alacant), CAL, Federació de la Catalunya Nord, Llengua Nacional (LN), Organització pel Multilingüisme (OM), PL and L6 Acció pro-llengües all undertook to promote the creation of a new Federation at the conference on coordination as part of the III Congrés de Cultura Catalana (Third Congress of Catalan Culture). Although all of the language organizations see the Catalan-speaking territories as a linguistic and cultural framework, there is no collective action by the territory and there are organizations working for language with a very reduced scope that have little to do with the rest of the language movements. Thus, the future Federació must be an area for coordination if it is to have more success in the struggle to defend and promote the Catalan language whilst, at the same time, increasing the consciousness of the unity of the Catalan language.

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