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Sociolingüística internacional

The linguistic situation of South Tyrol, by
Albert Branchadell and Joan Manrubia


5. Bibliography

Adami Gallo, Margit/ Munter-Lanznaster, Angelika/ Chiarani, Martina: Provincia Autonoma Bolzano-Alto Adige. Manuale dell’Alto Adige. Bolzano, 2000.

Cavagnoli, Stefania/ Nardin, Francesca: L’apprendimento della seconda lingua in Alto Adige. Difficoltà, motivazioni, aspettative. Bolzano, 1997.

Chiarani, Martina: Provincia Autonoma Bolzano-Alto Adige. Il nuovo Statuto di Autonomia. Bolzano, 1999.

Gramegna, Barbara/ Infelise Fronza, Rosetta: La curiosità lingüistica. Bolzano, 1999.

Palermo, Francesco/ Pföstl, Eva Maria: Normazione lingüística e tutela minoritaria-Minderheitenschutz durch Sprachnormierung. Bolzano, 1997.

Perathoner-Dal Bosco, Marika: Provincia Autonoma Bolzano-Alto Adige. L’Autonomia dell’Alto Adige. Bolzano, 1997

Rifesser, Theodor: Un tetto per tre lingue. L’ordinamento scolastico nelle scuole delle valli ladine della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. Bolzano 1994.


Genitori per il Bilinguismo: http://www.gebi.bz.it
Website containing a number of articles about immersion in other countries around the world and the justification for the restoration of bilingual schools. Interesting. It is available in a number of language versions.

Provincial Government: http://www.provinz.bz.it
Contains information about public services in the autonomous province of Bozen. Useful for specific information about this subject. It is available in a number of language versions.

Provincial Institute of Statistics: http://www.provinz.bz.it/astat
All types of statistical data on the province of Bozen. It is available in a number of language versions.

Ladin Cultural Institute: http://www.istladin.net
Website containing cultural activities and places related to the Ladin culture: museums, cultural centres. It is available in a number of language versions.

Ladin Pedagogical Institute: http://www.provinz.bz.it/ladin/ipl.htm
Site informing of the activities organised by the Ladin Pedagogical Institute for teachers who have to teach in this language. Together with the above site it gives us an idea of the status of the Ladin language and its setting. The site is written in Ladin.

Südtiroler Volkspartei: http://www.svpartei.org
A Website with a range of information about South Tyrol. It also contains the entire history of the SVP party. It is available in German.

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