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Llobregat Desalination Plant
Llobregat Desalination Plant
Inici > Llobregat Desalination Plant > Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency

The technological advances in the desalination plant permit the minimization of energy consumption. The desalination of the Llobregat basin will reduce energy consumption to half by means of energy recovery devices. The resulting energy consumption will be 3 kWh/m3.

Energy recovery will be carried out by means of pressure exchangers, which is the most advanced system to date. It consists of taking advantage of the 70 atmospheres of pressure of 55% of the water that must be returned to the sea in the form of brine and transfering them to the new seawater that must be delivered through the membranes. 97% of this pressure will be used.

Furthermore, the heating, refrigerating and hot water for domestic use that the plant will need is produced by means of thermal solar energy. The elements for capturing this energy will be installed in the desalination plant grounds. In the same area and taking advantage of the buildings, a solar voltaic installation will be implemented which will have an annual production of one million kWh.

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