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European eGovernment Awards 2007
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Home > European eGovernment Awards 2007 > Would you like to vote for gencat?


Would you like to vote for gencat?

To participate in the popular vote and to choose the award for the "Most inspiring Good Practice", you should follow the instructions given below. The deadline for voting is 16.00 (Lisbon time) on 20th September.

The winner will be announced on 20th September at the Ministerial Conference in Lisbon.

How to vote, step by step
To be able to vote, you must register on the website

step 1
You will have to fill in the information required with your personal and professional information. Do not forget your contact information. Once you have done that, you have until 16.00 (Lisbon time) on 20th September to vote.

step 2
To vote, go to the finalist cases page: You can choose up to three cases from among the 53 finalists, but you cannot vote for the same one three times.The gencat project is the first one to come up if you click on "G".

step 4
To vote, click on the button on the right ("Vote for this case"). You can change your vote until the closing date.

step 5
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