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Home > Don't be cold this summer > Calculation of energy savings

Calculation of energy savings

Keeping the thermostat set at 25° C will save more than 63,000 tonnes of CO2.

Electric energy consumption allocated to cooling systems (during the year 2006)
Sector Energy consumption (GWh) Cost (millions of euros)
Total 2,670.5 363.19
Domestic 310.5 42.23
- Offices 663.6 90.25
- Shops 625.6 85.08
- Hotels and restaurants 586.9 79.82
- Other 483.9 65.81
Total Services: 2,360.0 320.96

Estimated energy consumption with cooling systems set to 25°C (during the summer months)
Sector Energy consumption for cooling systems at 25°C (GWh) Cost (millions of euros)
Total 2,394.3 325.62
Domestic 265.3 36.08
- Offices 580.6 78.96
- Shops 563.0 76.57
- Hotels and restaurants 542.9 73.84
- Other 442.4 60.17
Total Services: 2,129.0 289.54

Potential savings from adjusting thermostats (during the summer months)
Sector Potential energy savings Economic savings (millions of euros) Savings in CO2 emissions (tonnes)
Total 276.3 37.563 63,540.3
Domestic 45.2 6.147 10,402.3
- Offices 83.0 11.288 19,078.8
- Shops 62.6 8.513 14,389.7
- Hotels and restaurants 44.0 5.984 10,124.1
- Other 41.5 442.4 60.17
Total Services: 231.0 31.416 53,138.0

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