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Crema catalana

Catalan cuisine, like so many aspects of our culture, has its roots in popular lore and tradition. Skilful preparation can produce a veritable delicacy out of a few simple ingredients. What could be more mouth-wateringly simple than a slice of crusty bread rubbed with tomato, then seasoned with olive oil and salt, and garnished with salted anchovies or any of a wide choice of locally produced sausages? Other typical Catalan dishes call for a degree of culinary skill and originality worthy of the world's finest cuisine. The following are just a few of those you really should try: chicken with spiny lobster, bass with thyme flowers and baked courgettes, partridge with grapes, rabbit with almonds, fish suquet, and fricandó. Every region of Catalonia, whether inland or on the coast, has its own specialities. Ask what they are ... and then enjoy them! 

And to go with a fine meat, what better than a good wine. Catalans wines come in a great variety and their quality is assured by the origin controlled label. You can savour vintages ranging from delicate white and rosés to strong, robust reds. The excellent cava sparkling wines, made according to the traditional méthode champenoise, have become a characteristic feature of Catalan gastronomy and, thanks to their outstanding quality, rank among the country's leading exports. And to round off your meal, we recommend that you try one of Catalonia’s fine liqueurs, many of which are still home made by age-old methods.