Nº 01, September 2008 


The start of the INEBRIA Conference in Brazil is fast approaching.

Main announcements

Up to now we have received more than 200 registrations. Participants are coming from many countries of Europe (Spain, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Sweden and England), Africa (Nigeria and South Africa) and the Americas (USA, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Rep. Dominicana, Chile, Argentina and Brazil). Many Brazilians will be coming from different parts of the country (Amazonia, Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul).


The Conference will take place at the Ribeirão Preto Convention Center located in Ribeirão Preto, Rua Bernardino de Campos, 999 - Higienópolis (Tel: 55 16 3602-1313).

More information about the city of Ribeirão Preto can be found in: http://www.ribeiraopreto.sp.gov.br.

-Scientific Programme*

It will include four keynote presentations, six symposia and four workshops, with roughly 40 oral presentations and 36 posters.

On the 8th, a satellite event will provide a special SBIRT training session for health managers, two symposia on alcohol and special populations, and a session of the PAHO/WHO devoted to a regional consultation about implementing brief interventions in the Americas.


*Simultaneous translation of presentations in three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese) will be provided.

-Instructions for oral and poster presentations
Speakers in oral presentations will have to a maximum of 20min depending on the number of speakers (4-5).
Recommended poster size is: 0,90m x 1,0m


-Social Programme
On October 7th it is planned an enjoyable sight-seeing tour to an old coffee farm.


-Final instructions for registration
If you have received the acceptance letter for your abstract submission, then it is time to make final arrangements for your travel to Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, for the 5th INEBRIA Conference.

Please make sure that you have completed your conference registration (filled in the travel and accommodation form), organized the payment of the conference fee and booked your flight and hotel. For further assistance please contact:                                paipad@fmrp.usp.br


If you are coming from abroad, please check at the nearest Brazilian consulate or embassy to see if you need a visa.


The weather is dry and warm.

We very much look forward to seeing you soon in Ribeirão Preto.


Erikson Furtado
On behalf of the Local organizers

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