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Home, school and playground: linguistic usages when lessons are over. Summary and analysis of the socio-demographic and study at secondary schools in Catalonia, by Natxo Sorolla



3.3. Analysis according to linguistic group

The next step is to segment the sample of pupils into linguistic groups. These groups are defined by the language spoken between the parents when the pupil was small. So, the school population is segmented into four groups according to whether the parents spoke only or above all in Catalan with one another, spoke in Catalan and Spanish equally, spoke only or above all in Spanish or spoke other languages. Each of the linguistic groups is analysed independently and an in-depth look is taken at their linguistic usages with friends. The main interest is to interpret differentiated usages between those who above all use their parents' language and those who use their second language to a more or less extensive degree.
These new multivariable models we are producing are much less robust. In the case of the Catalan-speaking group (the parents spoke Catalan with one another when the pupil was small) a 27.7% fit for the variance of the dependent variable is obtained, while in the case of Spanish-speakers the figure is a little higher: 38.3%. By contrast, both in the case of children of couples who spoke Catalan and Spanish and for those of couples who spoke other languages, the model is better and is provided with fewer variables. The children of couples speaking both languages achieves a 63.1% fit and the second, despite its internal diversity, achieves 64.9% with just two variables. The fact that the model for the children of Catalan- or Spanish-speaking couples should be less powerful provides evidence that family usages play a vital role in usages with friends. And, in delimiting the language spoken with friends according to family language, we do not have variables that are sufficiently correlated to give a joint explanation.

The factor that most conditions the language used by the Catalan-speaking group – whose parents spoke Catalan when the pupil was small – with friends is, precisely, the language the pupils speaks with his/her parents. See Table 7. We must highlight the fact the inclusion of the language spoken with parents seems like redundant statement when the dependent variable of the model is the language spoken with parents. But in no way is this the case; as we have seen in Table 1, part of the population are the children of parents who speak one language but who have been transmitted a different one. And the children of Catalan-speaking parents who have been transmitted Spanish maintain a very high correlation with the greater use of Spanish with friends. Following the lines of usages with parents, a set of ideological-type questions follows, focusing on currently desired linguistic usages in the immediate area ("at your school, would you like to speak Catalan...?") and not so immediate area ("in Catalonia, Catalan should be used...?") Finally, in less important positions, come competence in Catalan, language spoken with brothers and sisters, informal usages at school and the mother's place of origin.

Table 7. When you were little, what language did your father and mother speak with one another? = Only or above all Catalan


Standardised coefficients (beta)

Significance (standard error)

Language with parents



In Catalonia, Catalan should be used....



At your school, would you like to speak Catalan...?






Language with brothers and sisters



Average language outside class with teachers



La teva mare va néixer



As for the other big group – the children of Spanish-speaking couples – the order of the variables is quite different. See Table 8. In first place, the variable that most correlates with their language usages with friends is the language spoken with teachers in more informal contexts. Quite a way behind appear family language usages (with brothers and sisters) and the group belonged to. And, now in relatively unimportant positions, are the language spoken with parents and representations on the use of Catalan. Finally, in last position, appears self-assessment in oral competence in English.

Table 8. When you were little, what language did your father and mother speak with one another? = Only or above all Spanish


Standardised coefficients (beta)

Significance (standard error)
Average language outside class with teachers


Language with brothers and sisters


I'd like to belong to the group who speak...


Language with parents
Catalan is used...

In the case of the children who use Spanish and Catalan, the variables that most correlate with their linguistic usages are the language spoken with teachers in class, competence in Spanish, the language spoken with parents and the desire for the use of Catalan in the non-immediate area.

Table 9. When you were little, what language did your father and mother speak with one another? = Catalan and Spanish equally


Standardised coefficients (beta)

Significance (standard error)

Normal language of pupils with the teacher in class






Language with parents



In Catalonia, Catalan should be used....




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