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From monolingual family background to bilingual identification: the case of pre-adolescents in Mataró and the Aragonese border area(1) by Vanessa Bretxa, Llorenç Comajoan and Natxo Sorolla


These results have implications for educational and language policies to support Catalan. The fact that in both Mataró and the Aragonese border area it is social networks with friends which allow us to best discriminate between the two groups suggests that the presence of Catalan in social networks is sufficient for some pupils who use Spanish with their parents to include Catalan as a language of identity. Measures to promote Catalan should, therefore, focus on fostering Catalan and ensuring its use in peer networks. It is not an easy task, as it is much easier to take measures on a micro-sociolinguistic level than to intervene in interpersonal use. There are different areas in which it is possible to influence social networks. The school is one but extra-curricular activities should not be forgotten: these provide informal contexts which can help to foster the use of Catalan. In short, it is not a matter of influencing the individual behaviour of young people so that they use Catalan but of at least guaranteeing the free development of social networks in Catalan at crucial moments of resocialisation and the recreation of social networks (for example, at the beginning of the school year or at the transition from primary school to secondary school).

Future studies should look more deeply into the ways in which social networks may be influenced and how they are configured from the linguistic and dynamic points of view (the transition from primary school to secondary, for example). Such studies should also include other multivariable analyses to reconsider the relationship between language of identity and other variables which may be related to it, such as first language, motivation or media consumption. Lastly, further improvements in statistical models are called for, so that we can go beyond correlational analysis (indicating a correlation rather than cause and effect) and determine the reasons which make an individual identify with one language or more than one (cf. Torrijos, 2008). In conclusion, the results of this study are yet another demonstration that the relationship between language and identity cannot be explained by a single factor; the complexity of this relationship calls for the joint study of a series of factors in more than one place and at different times, so that we can appreciate the dynamics of individual identification and that of young people in particular.

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Vanessa Bretxa
Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació (UB)

Llorenç Comajoan
Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació (UB) i Universitat de Vic

Natxo Sorolla
Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació (UB) i Xarxa CRUSCAT – IEC






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