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The situation of Valencian as reported in non-institutional sociolinguistic research (1998-2002), by Josep J. Conill


The role of non-institutional sociolinguistics in this situation should be decisive, not only as a supplier of information on the state of the language community —as it has done until now and seems to be poised to continue doing so with ever increasing accuracy. (Casesnoves, 2003)— but, above all, as a source of orientation for normalisation. And this last objective cannot be achieved without a profound change of direction with respect to its current approaches. We cannot continue any longer to be content with the (admittedly indispensable) detailed knowledge of the situation past and present, using them merely to formulate reactive measures. It is important now to pay especial attention to emergent processes and trends that could shape the future and, above all, we have to dare to construct our own future (Bas, 1999: 50-56). This means giving sociolinguistic studies a prospective dimension— until now hardly explored, apart from one or two timid exceptions (Querol, 2001, 2002)— having recourse to the many instruments designed by sociology (Bas, 1999), such as regressive analysis, future scenarios of likelihood of occurrence, the Delph method, the matrix of crossed impacts, the theory of dynamic systems, etc. Furthermore, these demanding standards and requirements will need to go hand in hand with the abandoning of old routines, such as that of selecting individuals of school age as subjects of a survey, purely for reasons of convenience —the latter of course have not yet completely internalised the evaluating norms of society (Gómez Molina, 1998: 45). Similarly we need to pay more attention to the impact of the mass media on the process of minoritisation, despite the difficulty of evaluating it quantitatively, by means of questionnaires.

When all is said and done, we are faced here with decisive challenges concerning the survival over the long term of the Catalan-speaking community of the Valencian Country. This is an issue which sociolinguistic research cannot and should not ignore, if it wishes not to become mere rhetoric or a sterile demonstration of number crunching. Will we be worthy of the magnitude of the task facing us or will we resign ourselves to being helpless onlookers witnessing our own disappearance? The answer belongs, logically enough, to the future. The question at this time is whether we forge this future ourselves or whether it will be forged for us.

4. Bibliography

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Josep J. Conill

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