Logotip de la revista Noves SL





Sociolingüística catalana

Language attitudes and loyalties in the Valencian Country, by Lorena Císcar, David González and Pau Pérez


In this case, the answers to the questions range from "always in Spanish" (0 value) as far as it does not imply any loyalty towards the oral use of Valencian in primary social relationships, "mainly in Spanish" (1), "more Spanish than Valencian" (2), "both" (3), "more Valencian than Spanish" (4),"mainly in Valencian" (5) and "always in Valencian" (6).

In which language do you speak...

Q5a ... at home?

Q5b ... with friends?

Q5c ... with workmates?

Q5f ... in small, privately-owned shops?

Always in Val.





Mainly in Val.





> Val than Spa










> Spa than Val





Mainly in Spanish





Always in Spanish





We obtain therefore a variable ranging from a minimum of 0 for those who always use Spanish in the studied social domains, to a maximum of 60 for those who always use Valencian. As in the former case, in order to use an indicator between 0 and 1, we dividide the new variable by 60. We call it Primary Instrumental loyalty.

2. 1. 3. Secondary Instrumental loyalty

We have used the same method as above to build up the Secondary Instrumental indicator. In this case we have used the questions q5d, q5e and q5g referring to the use of language in relationships outside the workplace, in the street with strangers and in large chain-stores, respectively. The first question has been weighted with 2 as far as we consider that in the workplace the external relations (customers, providers,...) lead the individual to use more communicative resources than when meeting a stranger in the street or shopping in large chain-stores.

Likewise, if we take into account that the answering options for these two variables are the same than in the former case, we are going to obtain a new variable with a maximum score of 24 for those using always Valencian in the considered fields and a minimum score of 0 for those using always Spanish. We divide by 24 so that the Secondary Instrumental indicator ranges between 0 and 1.

2. 1. 4. Written Instrumental loyalty

The above two indicators enable us to measure the oral use of Valencian, but we need a more complete vision of instrumental loyalty. To do so, we have constructed an indicator of written use to discover the level of written, active (written) and passive (reading) use of Valencian in the population studied. For this we have used the questions q6 by means of which we asked the respondants what do they use to read in Valencian: q6a "nothing" (0 value); q6b "signs and posters" (1); q6c "advertisements" (2); q6d "cartoons" (3); q6e "communications from official authorities" (4); q6f "reviews and magazines" (5); q6g "books" (7). We have furthermore used the question 7 asking if the person writes something in Valencian (10 value), so that and taking into account that the 8 questions are dichotomic, a respondant who answers "yes" to all of them will obtain a score of 32. In order to fix the new indicator between 0 and 1, we divide it by 32. This is the Written Instrumental Loyalty Indicator.

2.1.5. Valuational loyalty

Finally,we have used questions q9 and q10 to establish the Valuational Loyalty Indicator. To the first one, the respondants answer if they believe that current use of the language has increased (2 value), is stable (1) or has decreased (0) with respect to the past; to the second, they answer if they think the language should be used more (2), as currently (1) or less (0). We have rated higher the willingness of a higher use (weighted average 3) than the opinion of the current use compared to the past (1). The maximum score for this indicator is 8 if the respondant replies "yes" to the two questions. To obtain an indicator ranging from 0 to 1 we have divided it by 8, as in the afore-mentioned indicators.

3. Linguistic Attitudinal Groups

Indicators are important in that they enable us to classify the population and attribute certain language attitudes. In fact, the dimensions of language loyalty that we have obtained do not function separately; they combine to offer a global attitude towards the processes of shift/standardisation of the Valencian language.


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