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Sociolingüística internacional

The draft of measures to improve attitudes towards the Galician language and the extension of its use, by the Research team of the Seminar of Sociolinguistics of the Real Academia Galega


In order to overcome resistance based on environmental factors such as the perception of a predominantly Spanish-speaking social setting, especially among young people living in cities, measures have to be drafted to promote the contact of Spanish speakers with domains where Galician is the dominant language.

It is also necessary to promote in this same group the improvement of self-perception of oral competence.

Regarding the resistances related to attitude issues, we need to carry on actions aiming at improve assessment among young people of the usefulness of the Galician language. The dissemination of models of prestige linked to some varieties of Galician needs to be promoted and to be associated with domains like the socio-economic world and to a lesser extent with the political or cultural domains.

Models of prestige associated to the oral use of Galician perceived as normative must also be offered. It is furthermore necessary to disseminate the message that Galician is a single language with different varieties.

It is fundamental to improve the prestige of the only group of Galician speakers whose figures are rising (i.e. that of the new speakers) in order to avoid the perception linking the use of Galician by this group with nationalist membership.

It is also necessary to set up actions aimed to strengthen a positive ethnolinguistic identity among the young Galician speakers of the countryside due to their worrying predisposition to language shift.

5. Bibliography

- Seminario de Sociolingüística (1994). Lingua inicial e competencia lingüística en Galicia. A Coruña: Real Academia Galega.

- Seminario de Sociolingüística (1995). Usos lingüísticos en Galicia. A Coruña: Real Academia Galega.

- Seminario de Sociolingüística (1996). Actitudes lingüísticas en Galicia. A Coruña: Real Academia Galega.

- Fernández Rodríguez, M. y Rodríguez Neira, M. (1998). "A relación entre competencia e uso do galego", Cadernos de Lingua, 17 (pp. 25-46).

- Fernández Rodríguez, M. y Rodríguez Neira, M. (1998). "O papel das redes sociais na relación entre competencia e uso do galego", Cadernos de Lingua, 17 (pp. 25-46).

Research team of the Seminar of Sociolinguistics
Real Academia Galega

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